Step Up Booster
To ensure that the Step Up Booster can output a maximum of 15V when receiving a maximum input of 5V.
Proof of Concept
Connect the various pins of the step up booster to the corresponding places with a capacitor connecting pin 1 and pin 3 and another capacitor and resistor connecting pin 4 and pin 6. After connecting all of the pins we measured Vout to see if the voltage was boosted.
Known Parameters: Cin = 9.97 µF, Cout = 122.8 µF, RL = 10.00 kΩ
Pass criteria: Vout > 14.8 V
Fail criteria: Vout < 14.8 V
Need to ensure that the step up booster outputs a 15 V. We began by figuring out the capacitors and the resistor values that would output the maximum 15 V. The Cin value was 10 µF, the Cout was 122 µF, and the RL value was 10 kΩ. The input capacitor is connected from the input voltage pin 1 and ground pin 3. We connected the input voltage to the DC power supply and set it to 5V and connected the ground to the ground of the DC power supply. We then connected the control, pin 2, to the ground pin. The output capacitor and load resistor are connected from the output voltage, pin 6, and the 0V, pin 4. The 0V gets connected to the ground of the DC power supply and we connect a multimeter to the output pin to measure what the output would be.
Our ideal output voltage for the step up booster would be 15 V. However due to the capacitor and resistor values being not exact this leads to a slight decrease in the output of our step up booster. With our input of the step up booster being at 5 V, our output was 14.93 V. With the results being above 14.8 V this means that our step up booster works to the ability that we need it to perform.
Step Up Booster
Step Up Booster Results
Step Up Booster
Step Up Booster Set Up
Step Up Booster
Step Up Booster Pinout